API: Class PyUnsplash

This is the main class used to interact with the Unsplash REST API.


Create an instance of class PyUnsplash. The api_key parameter is required. API keys can be obtained from Unsplash Developers.


Argument Type Optional/Required Notes
api_key string required Your application ID


Object Instance of class PyUnsplash


import pyunsplash
pu = pyunsplash.PyUnsplash(api_key='<your Unsplash API key>')

Methods and properties

Methods and properties exposed by the PyUnsplash class.

PyUnsplash.user(username, w, h)

To interact with the user API, create an instance of class User.


Argument Type Optional/Required Notes
username string required The user’s username.
w number optional Profile image width in pixels.
h number optional Profile image height in pixels.


Object Instance of class User


import pyunsplash
pu = pyunsplash.PyUnsplash(api_key='<your Unsplash API key>')
this_user = pu.user('salvoventura', w=100, h=100)

PyUnsplash.collections(type_, page, per_page)

To interact with the collections API, create an instance of class Collections.


Argument Type Optional/Required Notes
type_ string optional (default: generic) generic, featured (curated has been deprecated)
page number optional (default: 1) Page number to retrieve.
per_page number optional (default: 10) Number of items per page (max: 30)



Instance of class Collections, CuratedCollections, or FeaturedCollections depending on the value of type

NOTE curated endpoint has been deprecated by Unsplash


import pyunsplash
pu = pyunsplash.PyUnsplash(api_key='<your Unsplash API key>')

# retrieve a page from the featured collections, with a maximum
# of 5 collections per-page
collections_page = pu.collections(type_='featured', per_page=5)

PyUnsplash.photos(type_, page, per_page, order_by)

To interact with the photos API, create an instance of class Photos.

NOTE curated endpoint has been deprecated by Unsplash

Generic Photos


Argument Type Optional/Required Notes
type_ string optional (default: generic) generic
page number optional (default: 1) Page number to retrieve.
per_page number optional (default: 10) Number of items per page (max: 30)
order_by string optional (default: latest) latest, oldest, popular



Instance of class Photos depending on the value of type

NOTE curated endpoint has been deprecated by Unsplash


import pyunsplash
pu = pyunsplash.PyUnsplash(api_key='<your Unsplash API key>')

# retrieve a page from the generic photos, with a maximum
# of 15 photos per-page
collections_page = pu.photos(type_='generic', per_page=15)

Random Photos


Argument Type Optional/Required Notes
type_ string required random
collections string optional Public collection ID(s) to filter selection If multiple, comma-separated
featured bool optional Limit selection to featured photos Completely remove if you don’t want featured Setting to False doesn’t work
username string optional Limit selection to a single user
query string optional Limit selection to photos matching a search term
orientation string optional landscape, portrait, squarish
count number required Number of items per page (max: 30)

Note You can’t use the collections and query parameters in the same call


Object Instance of class RandomPhotos


import pyunsplash
pu = pyunsplash.PyUnsplash(api_key='<your Unsplash API key>')

# retrieve 4 random photos, which are featured, and tagged as "dog"
collections_page = pu.photos(type_='random', count=4, featured=True, query="dog")
for photo in photos.entries:
    print(photo.id, photo.link_download)

Single Photo


Argument Type Optional/Required Notes
type_ string required single
photo_id string required ID of the photo you want to load


Object Instance of class SinglePhoto


import pyunsplash
pu = pyunsplash.PyUnsplash(api_key='<your Unsplash API key>')

# retrieve specific photo by its ID, and print the attribution
photo = py_un.photos(type_="single", photo_id='l0_kVknpO2g')

PyUnsplash.search(type_, type, page, per_page, query)

To interact with the search API, create an instance of class Search.


Argument Type Optional/Required Notes
type_ string required photos, collections, users
page number optional (default: 1) Page number to retrieve.
per_page number optional (default: 10) Number of items per page (max: 30)
query string optional Search terms


Object Instance of class Search


import pyunsplash
pu = pyunsplash.PyUnsplash(api_key='<your Unsplash API key>')

search = pu.search(type_='photos', query='red,car')
for entry in search.entries:
    print entry.link_html


To interact with the stats API, create an instance of class Stats.


Argument Type Optional/Required Notes


Object Instance of class Stats


import pyunsplash
pu = pyunsplash.PyUnsplash(api_key='<your Unsplash API key>')

stats = pu.stats()
print stats.total   # this is json